5 zodiac signs who are extremely sarcastic
Sarcasm is a very clever way to say your thoughts aloud, without actually...
What you can eat to reduce wrinkles and promote healthy skin
Growing older is a blessing that signifies wisdom. But to be honest, it’s...
This is the real reason why people eat on a banana leaf
Banana leaves have been used for ages as a serving plate. If you...
5 exercises to get rid of skin sagging after shedding kilos
The fad diet and supplements can indeed help you shed kilos speedily, but...
9 subtle signs your relationship lack emotional support
All good boyfriends have one thing in common: they’re there for you when...
6 reasons why making fun of each other is healthy for a relationship
Normally, we wouldn’t make a playful joke with a stranger at the gas station or with someone...
7 safety rules kids should be taught when home alone
When is your child old enough to stay home alone after school? It...
The 10 worst cooking habits you need to break
Even though studying at a culinary school might take from several months to 4 years, you don’t have to spend...
6 truths men hide from their partners
There’s a lot that goes on between two individuals in a relationship. Much...
Weight loss: These 6 yoga poses can help burn belly fat
Yogas are the best ways to burn extra fats. But this form of...
3 things s*x addicts say when they’re in denial
Sex addiction is real. Living in denial that it’s just some urge to...
Top 5 locations for a destination wedding in Africa
Weddings are undeniably special and such a special occasion calls for a special...
5 habits of people who get promoted at work
Getting a promotion at work isn’t easy…or that’s what you believe. When you...
4 low impact exercises to help you stay fit
If you’re new to working out, getting back into it, or have joint...
5 reasons to use coconut oil for beard care
Coconut oil has become one of the hottest ingredients in the hair and...
Step-by-step recipe to make homemade pizza
Pizza is one of the most sought-after dishes of Italian cuisine and is...
7 myths about how food affects skin
The skin is the largest organ in your body. Protecting it from outside...
7 most common causes of domestic violence in relationship
Anyone who has seen a family destroyed by domestic violence can wonder what would make...
5 interesting things you probably didn’t know about perfume!
Who doesn’t love perfumes? We all do! Sometimes we feel naked without it....
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to keep her children in South Africa
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to her estranged husband Jakob Schlichtig. The marriage ended after...