3 worst things any man can say to the woman he loves
If you love anyone in the true sense of it, you will nurture...
7 warning signs entrepreneurship is not for you
In recent times, there has been a great desire for people to embrace...
Oats vs Muesli: Find out which is better for weight loss?
Oats and muesli are cereals are two common healthy breakfast options. These two...
5 money mistakes you’re teaching your kids
Money is a sensitive and difficult topic even for us adults. Now imagine...
Here’s how to find ‘Mr Right’ at your next wedding party
Who says you can’t find your ‘Mr Right’ at your next wedding invite?...
8 things to eliminate from your life to be happy
Happiness is not something that is achieved, it is a state of mind....
4 beauty benefits of an overnight sleep mask
Skincare has always been complex and challenging to many. It starts with understanding...
How long should you date your partner before marriage?
You feel so lucky to find a fantastic and compatible partner that marriage...
4 simple tips to get rid of chest acne
Many people think that acne only develops on the face. That is not...
3 easy and delicious mince recipes you can make at home
Easy to cook and easy on the budget, almost every household in South...
10 ways you can delay your periods without pills
Mother nature can come calling any time of the month, so it is...
How to keep in shape after a successful weight loss
Need some tips on how to keep in shape after a diet? Successful...
Why you should never lower your standards in relationships
Your happiness will be determined by what you accept and reject when it...
15 slangs only a South African can understand
Thanks to the variety of languages spoken in South Africa, locals tend to borrow...
7 clear signs to know when to walk away from a relationship
It is tough to walk away from the person you love, but life...
7 reasons why eating ice does more harm than you know!
If you are in the habit of chewing ice, then the following information...
6 moments when couples should revisit their finances
Change is inevitable even in relationships. Couples go through a number of crucial...
4 exercises for people suffering from knee problems
Our knees are the largest and the most essential joint of our body...
5 mistakes to avoid on your next online job interview
Following the pandemic that turned the world upside down, how we work has...
5 ways to use apricot for skin and hair
From apricot cleansers to scrubs, from masks to oil and what not, the...
Starting a new relationship the right way: 8 key etiquette rules for the talking stage
When getting to know a potential lover, you do not want to mess it up....