7 things you can do to make your crush notice you
Do you have a crush on somebody but he/she hasn’t noticed you yet?...
5 things only people in a long-term relationship can understand
In the beginning of a relationship, there are so many things that scare us: we’re afraid to text and...
7 incredible health benefits of Logan fruit
Longan (Dimocarpus longan) is a small, round, sweet, and watery fruit that is...
6 surprising reasons why your man may be acting distant
It can be terrifying when you feel the energy in a relationship starting...
6 zodiac signs who quickly move on after a breakup
Breakups are hard for everyone, especially for those who can’t seem to let...
6 reasons why your hair is not growing
There comes a time when your hair won’t just grow. No matter how...
5 things women do when they are cheating
We have been conditioned and programmed to believe that men cheat most however...
How to use chia seeds and lemon to control high blood pressure
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension is an increasingly common lifestyle disease...
7 bad relationship habits you should ditch in 2021
Wonder why you are always nursing a break up, well, it could probably...
8 behaviors that attract men like magnet
All guys have different physical type and preferences. But outside of appearances, there...
5 zodiac signs who love to make others happy
Most people love getting surprises, especially from their loved ones. It makes them...
If your partner does these 7 “common” things, they may be hiding something
Everyone has secrets that they keep to themselves, but every relationship should be based on trust....
8 effective home remedies for Acid Reflux
Acid reflux is the backward flow of the stomach acids into the throat....
6 phone habits that are damaging for any relationship
The role that smartphones play in our life is huge given that the...
7 hidden signs your partner is emotionally cheating on you
When we first think of cheating, we rarely think of having an emotional affair with someone else outside...
Here’s why sleeping with your phone in bed can affect your health
What is unknown to a lot of people is that sleeping with your...
8 things about relationships that people fail to realise earlier
One is never too late to learn about love. Our experiences in life...
5 ways to deal with push-pull relationship cycle
First things first, what is a push-pull relationship cycle? It is when one...
8 most effective fat-burning foods for weight loss
Consuming certain foods can lead to a reduction in body fat. When a...
7 bad skincare habits you need to stop right now
We cannot always be 100% careful with our skin but there are some...
5 common household chemicals linked to brain damage
Exposure to certain chemicals commonly found in household products has raised concerns due to their...