All posts tagged "Unhealthy"
South Africa named 10th most unhealthiest country in the world
A new study conducted by has analysed the rates of unhealthy habits...
5 signs of an unhealthy v*gina every lady needs to know
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4 bad money habits to avoid and how to break them
When you’re a student there’s one relationship that you constantly wish could be...
7 critical signs of an unhealthy relationship
A healthy relationship is every couple’s fairytale storyline. After all, all of us...
5 foods that can cause memory loss
Much like physical activities, even food is vital for good health and well-being....
5 ways to quit attracting unhealthy relationships
Have you ever asked yourself over and over again why you keep attracting...
8 ways to recover from an unhealthy relationship
Going through a breakup is always difficult, no matter the circumstances. But going...
How to break up with a live-in partner
Breaking up with someone you live with can be challenging, as it involves both emotional...
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