Moneoa speaks positivity into the new year 2019 as she describes 2018 as a witchcraft year.
All of the beautiful things, she’s ever dreamed of was listed in the message.
The singer described herself as a very wealthy person thinking of her usefulness to the world. She also spoke of her body goals.
“I am Moneoa Moshesh. I have Jeff Bezoz’s funds in my bank account. I’m not rich, ndiWEALTHY vha? I am on my way to Cancun on my private jet for a quick breakfast by the ocean for the view. Sometimes I stare at the sky, wondering what I can do to make the world a better place with all the money that I have…”
Moneoa’s role model and music inspiration has being the American singer, Beyonce. However, she wish she would have an intimate relationship with the international singer to the point of being besties with her.
“My bestie, Beyonce and I had an argument last night over the colour we should paint my yacht. My baby daddy is Khal Drogo. Yes… Khal Drogo, not Jason Momoa (sanu’buza… ndimchole kwiNight lands). I am his moon. I have no cellulite on any part of my body. I have 6packs everywhere. Even my ankles have abs. This is my real hair in this pic. As you can see, my boobs are annoyingly perky. I wish I had use for a bra. I have no bills, no stress and no waist. So grateful for this wonderful life.”