SA actress Bonnie Mbuli weighs on the unpleasant news about Khanya Mkangisa on social media and she’s urged people to be more understanding rather than hating.
A video of Khanya went viral and she’s been accused of allegedly drinking and driving.
In the video, Khanya was seen with her hands behind and conversing with a female officer.
However, while this case seem to be stale, Twitter peeps were quick to condem her being a celebrity.
Bonnie spoke out that the haters needs to be less judgmental, but not all tweeps were pleased with Bonnie’s advice.
Also..Ya’ll need to reduce your speed on judging Khanya, we’ve all done our own gowing with no one recording …even in the Uber. pic.twitter.com/cQSrj7v1GG
— Bonnie Mbuli (@BonnieMbuli) May 19, 2019
Not when it’s become a habit of being caught driving drunk…Second time she was caught driving drunk? Nahhh why do we condone such behaviour.
— BeaulaLamar (@BeaulaLamar) May 19, 2019
Y’all are worried about her being recorded instead of the harm she could have done to herself and to others.
— Mrs Evoque G63 i8 (@mstequeiro) May 19, 2019
Her kind of growing killed my best friend. if you’ve ever had a drunk driver take someone from this earth you’d judge her too. she must do her growing up in less hazardous ways
— Mutangwa (@Mutangwa7) May 20, 2019