
Mohale Motaung slams Zodwa over gay criticism and wants her show cancelled – Details


Zodwa Wabantu has being called out on social media by the gay community and Actor, Mohale Motaung who officially voiced out against her.

Hashtag “Zodwa cancelled” trends on Twitter and this is as a result of her comments on the gay community.

Among the things Zodwa said was the remark that at the end of the day, gay men can wear as much make-up as they want, they still don’t have lady parts.

She also said: “We accommodate you guys because you wear make-up and when we (women) talk about men you always there echoing the stories.”

Mohale reacts to her comments in a tweet saying:

“I will defend queer people anyday, EVERYDAY. We can’t be made to feel like we don’t exist and we’re being made a favor to exist? Nah! Come at me!!!”

Twitter is however divided over the issue; while some supported Mohale, others saw his fight as a waste of time.

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