
5 key steps to thriving through major life changes



How do you handle life changes, whether they’re major life changes or just minor inconveniences?

Does something changing in your world automatically shut you down? Do you struggle when trying to figure out how to go on, now that everything you knew as “normal” has changed?

If so, you’re not alone. But there’s a way that people who handle life changes well react that might benefit you and make your ability to deal with change easier than ever.

It doesn’t have to be terrifying! Below are 5 steps to thriving through major life changes:

1. Roll with it

As you move through changes in life, be prepared to take it one day at a time, and let go of rigid expectations. Just roll with it!

2. Communicate

In times of change, a breakdown in communication can make an already difficult situation harder. Be sure to communicate with your tribe in tough times.

3. Find your “rhythm”

The uncertainty that comes with change can be uncomfortable. Whether you’re facing a global pandemic, a company buyout, a broken relationship, or all of the above, find a rhythm that works for you. A focus on teamwork with others and a dose of patience go a long way.

4. Look for happiness and laugh

It’s important to find the humor in your daily life. Laughter really can be the best medicine! Celebrate the small things and keep smiling as you move forward.

5. Practice gratitude

Be thankful for what you may have overlooked before, as well as what you’re gaining. A little gratitude can lead to a more positive attitude.

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