Top 5 highest-paid models in the world
Have you ever wondered how much models earn? Well, you don’t have to...
Pregnancy after C-Section: Risk and how long to wait
Caesarean birth is more common nowadays than ever before. There are various reasons...
10 super fruits you should eat daily!
Fruits are a superfood category of their own. They are the powerhouse of...
5 effective tips to help you lose face fat
When you gain weight you may also notice deposition of fat around your...
How to talk about your s*xual fantasies with your partner
S*x might not be the glue that holds a healthy relationship together but...
4 best breads for weight loss and diabetics
People with diabetes may have been told that bread is off limits for...
5 things that predict divorce
Divorces aren’t sudden. A multitude of misunderstandings, fights and incompatibility leads to a...
What is Mezcal and how it is different from tequila?
When we talk about Mezcal, people assume that it is just another tequila,...
How to do pedicure at home like a pro
Our feet are mostly safely tucked away inside shoes and a pair of...
8 reasons why you should date a petite girl
Petite girls are the beautiful small ones who seemingly float around the place...
Mother’s Day South Africa: 8 interesting things to do with your mom
She is the first special person in everyone’s life. Who is she? A...
3 best ways to avoid a pregnancy scare
To avoid pregnancy scares, it is important to know the best contraceptives for...
5 millennial money habits you should avoid
Every generation has its own unique money habits. Gen Z’s have different priorities...
Here’s how to make your ex want you back
You’ve listened to enough angry breakup songs and now if you’re in the post-relationship...
Try this viral internet hack to reheat leftover pizza at home
Ordered pizza and left with some uneaten slices? Store them in your fridge...
4 real ways to save money on wedding decorations
You’re probably fantasising about something out of the ordinary for your precious wedding...
7 reasons why energy drinks are bad for your health
Yes, energy drinks are very bad for you. People of all ages consume...
Hair care: 9 tips to make your hair soft and bouncy
It is a saying that we should invest in our hair as it...
All you need to know about Jewish cuisine
Hearty and comforting, Jewish cuisine has a 3000 years old history and is...
Monogamy vs polygamy: Which is peaceful?
The two major categories of relationships that have existed for decades are monogamy...
6 things you’re doing wrong in your job search and how to fix them
Job hunting can feel like a never-ending cycle– sending out applications, updating resumes, and still...