How to become a nurse in South Africa
Nursing is viewed as one of the most important occupations in the world....
6 depression myths you need to stop believing right now
Many suffering from depression and those around them fail to notice the evident...
Here’s why you shouldn’t use a towel to dry your face
You might be thinking your toilet seat is the most germ-laden item in your home, but...
5 signs to identify an emotionally dangerous partner
If you have been getting an eerie vibe from someone, then trust your...
Ringworm: 5 home remedies for this skin infection
It is true that a lot of people think ringworm is caused by...
How to be an unforgettable woman in every way
If you ever feel completely unforgettable, don’t. While it’s natural to feel like...
Top 3 DIY facial masks for people with oily skin
We know how hard it is to manage and keep up with oily...
10 materialistic things that impress women in a relationship
Materialistic things that impress women in a relationship can make a man to...
6 tips for landing your dream job
Do you have a job that’s just like everyone else’s? Do you wish...
6 foods you should avoid after a workout to lose weight
A good post work out meal should fuel your system, aid in weight...
5 online dating red flags you shouldn’t ignore
Since you can’t be sure of everyone you’re interacting with on the online...
8 mind-blowing health benefits of oiling belly button
Oiling or massaging your body (and the hair) is considered a traditional remedy...
These 5 fertility myths might be responsible for delaying your baby joy
When it comes to fertility, there is a lot of misinformation out there....
5 things a strong woman would never do for a man
Ladies, loving a man and giving your all in a relationship is definitely...
8 simple ways to detoxify your skin
Detoxifying your skin is one of the most essential steps to attaining a...
9 charming ways to be more approachable to men
If there’s one thing men fear more than anything else while approaching women,...
5 essential oils that your skin absolutely needs
Essential oils have been used for nearly 6,000 years, with the aim of...
Why revenge cheating on an unfaithful partner isn’t a bad idea
Revenge cheating aka retaliatory infidelity is one of the ways to deal with...
7 best islands in the world you should visit
Turquoise water, fine-sand beaches, palm trees — when we think about islands, it’s...
Here’s how turmeric works for mouth ulcer
There’s nothing as bad as the unnerving pain of mouth ulcers. No wonder,...
Jub Jub dragged for R35,000 unpaid debt
TikTok user Likhona Sukume has come forward, accusing media personality Jub Jub of owing him...