5 reasons why you may be experiencing vaginal itching
The question when a woman experiences this vaginal itching is ‘Why does it...
5 ways music improves your your exercise
Music is beneficial for your mental and physical health because it reduces anxiety,...
3 common puberty myths everyone needs to stop believing
That first pimple, or the sudden change in voice, among other things, are...
Learn how to prepare your oat cookies with this easy recipe
Oat cookies are South African’s favourite snack. Some people know them as oats...
How different is iPhone13 from iPhone 12?
Apple just launched two new phones. iPhone 13 is a 6.1-inch model and,...
6 daily habits that are killing your metabolism
An active metabolism aids weight loss by making you burn more calories. Your...
5 items that clear acne and scars
Acne is a very distressing skin condition that can lower one’s self-esteem. Acne...
4 reasons why pregnancy before marriage may not be the best idea
Sometimes pregnancy before marriage happens on purpose, but many times it doesn’t. There...
Can rice cause cancer if not cooked properly? Find out here!
Rice is a staple food in the country. When consumed in moderation, rice...
5 tips to boost fertility in women suffering from PCOS
As per recent reports, 20 per cent of women suffer from Polycystic Ovary...
How smoking leads to hair loss
Smoking cigarettes can have a damaging effect on your hair and your hairline....
These are 3 signs to know that you satisfy your woman s*xually
What makes sex different from every other relationship activity is that it is...
5 Ancient African hairstyles that are still popular today
African women have been manipulating their natural hair from time immemorial with different...
7 effective home remedies to stop vomiting during pregnancy
Nausea and vomiting are a common symptom of pregnancy but they can be...
Here’s what to do if your man remains too close to his ex
How much friendliness should you permit your boyfriend and his ex before switching...
5 health benefits of nutmeg for babies
The first six months is very crucial in baby’s life and we parents...
7 side effects of contact lenses you probably don’t know
Contact lenses are quite common with women either it’s medically recommended or just...
The 6 most damaging HIV/AIDS misconceptions
HIV/AIDS has become completely manageable, but it is surprising how many people still...
7 surprising ways you’re putting your heart at risk
When it comes to your heart, you can never be too careful. The...
5 questions you should never ask your partner about their ex
You will naturally be curious to know the people your partner dated and...
Starting a new relationship the right way: 8 key etiquette rules for the talking stage
When getting to know a potential lover, you do not want to mess it up....