How to deal with backstabbing coworkers
When you work anywhere, you do know that there are some co-workers who...
5 health reasons to take a break from your cell-phone
There is no denying that smartphones have made our lives convenient. We can...
5 signs you’re not digesting fat properly
In the world of healthy eating, fat does not really enjoy a good...
7 ways young South Africans are making money
Earning your salary alone will not be enough, you might need to engage...
5 toxic things to avoid when shopping for skincare products
Picking products for the skin like the food one takes in should be...
7 reasons why you should switch to a low-carb breakfast
Breakfast is usually deemed as the most important meal of the day, which...
All you need to know about getting pregnant after a miscarriage
Losing the baby at any stage of pregnancy can be traumatising for a...
6 common shaving mistakes that could be wrecking your skin
Waxing is painful and costly but shaving legs can also make your skin...
15 easy South African prawn recipes you can try at home
Are you craving for seafood, and especially, prawns? Then you ought to get...
How your relationship changes after someone cheats
Do you—or your partner—have a cheating heart? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Research...
Top 5 healthiest oils for deep frying
Deep-fried foods play a role in many traditional cuisines and are a staple...
8 effective ways to get rid of a stiff neck
A stiff neck is a common problem in modern society. Research that was conducted by the Centers for Disease...
Are planks better than crunches to cut belly fat?
A bulging belly is a problematic area for most people, especially those who...
6 things to do if your ex messages you unexpectedly
Life has moved on, you are finally happy in your space without your...
7 surprising blueberry benefits for your skin
Blueberries are one of the few fruit items that have naturally blue color....
6 psychological facts about love you probably didn’t know
Love is a beautiful emotion that’s inexplicable in words. People feel this emotion...
9 great warrior women of the ancient world
There are very many women who have played important parts in some of...
How hand sanitizer could be ruining your health
With the Covid-19 pandemic still a major concern for the entire world, hand...
5 early warning signs of dementia you shouldn’t ignore
Mild forgetfulness is normal among people of all age groups. We all have...
6 simple technique to make your child interested in learning
We always want our children to be good students who fare well in...
Starting a new relationship the right way: 8 key etiquette rules for the talking stage
When getting to know a potential lover, you do not want to mess it up....