8 incredible health benefits of moringa seeds
Moringa seeds are obtained from the pods of the Moringa plant (Moringa Oleifera)....
6 things you should know before cheating on your partner
Infidelity stories are a dime a dozen these days. Still, that doesn’t make...
5 reasons why milk is known as a powerhouse beverage
We all consume milk but a large portion of the population consumes pasteurized...
6 lessons you should learn from a breakup
When we go through a breakup, we’re mostly left with bitterness and hate...
Top 5 benefits of Epsom salt for feet
Epsom salt is not actually a salt but a naturally occurring magnesium sulfate mineral. It borrows...
5 effective ways to lose water weight
Bloating may sneak up right when you plan to wear your skinny jeans...
7 guaranteed signs he’s never going to marry you
Marriage is a big deal, it is the ultimate commitment, and not everyone...
5 ways to win the heart of an alpha male
An alpha man is the type of person who makes thing happen in...
7 easy ways to grow long eyelashes
Apart from acting as a protective barrier to your eyes, eyelashes also give...
8 ways to keep negativity out of your relationships
No relationships can truly thrive with a steady stream of negativity flowing into...
6 ways to bring romance back into your marriage
The success of an intimate relationship in many ways is contingent on the ability of...
7 best oils for hair growth & thickness
You’ve probably already incorporated oils into your skincare routine, but have you started using...
5 reasons why married men won’t leave their wives for side-chicks
It’s almost as if men who cheat get a high off shuttling between...
8 impressive health benefits of lingonberries
Lingonberries are small, red berries that taste similar to cranberries but are not...
5 daily skin-care habits that make your acne worse
Struggling with acne can make you step up your skin care regimen, but...
5 most common job scams in South Africa
The desire and goal of every graduate in South Africa is to get...
7 powerful signs of chemistry between two people
Chemistry is one of the important pillars of healthy and successful relationships. Without...
10 biggest malls in South Africa
No one can ever devalue the purpose of shopping mall in one locality...
Why men hurt more than women after breakups
The end of a relationship is never fair on anyone. Men hurt, women...
5 diet hacks you need for rapid weight loss
When it comes to losing weight, restrictive diets and intense fitness routines can...
Starting a new relationship the right way: 8 key etiquette rules for the talking stage
When getting to know a potential lover, you do not want to mess it up....