These are the highest paying professions in SA
Jobs are scarce is the country and if you are employed and earn...
7 ways to have a jolly festive season on a tight budget
The festive season is a period of great excitement and love as families...
4 easy and achievable ways to make your lips look plumper
Plump and defined lips are always a great idea. Whether you have full...
Move aside sleeping pills! Smelling your lover’s clothes can help you sleep: Study
Only a person who has trouble falling asleep can understand the pain associated...
Including these 3 spices can reduce PCOS inflammation
Suffering from period cramps, mood swings or excessive pain in the abdominal area,...
7 weirdest trees in the world & where to find them
Our vast planet never ceases to amaze us, and this time it is...
These 5 zodiac signs tend to spy on their spouses
Relationships require trust, loyalty and faith. Without these major foundation pillars, any bond...
If you’re planning on visiting Egypt, you should do it now
Egypt is offering incentives to shore up its tourism industry in southern Sinai...
5 popular uses of bay leaves you didn’t know about
Bay leaves, are one of the popular spices that are often added to...
7 nutrition codes you should live by
Good nutrition is a critical part of health and development. The World Health...
6 reasons why the rich get richer
There are times in our lives when we wonder why some people seem...
This is why red grapes are better than any other variety
Red grapes, a luscious and vibrant fruit, stand out as a nutritional powerhouse,...
7 tips on how to avoid online scams during Black Friday
If there’s one thing two years of living and working at home has...
4 side effects of taking too many paracetamol
Taking too many paracetamol can have serious health consequences as it is available...
The dos and don’ts of travelling in Africa
Natalie Knibbs, the owner of Africa Memories Travel, shares the dos and don’ts...
Having coffee during exam time to stay awake? Here’s what it does to your body
Coffee is the savior of many students during examinations. Students stay awake for...
7 bitter secrets women would never tell their husbands
Life takes a turn for everyone after tying the knot. You live under...
Make a splash at these 8 Mzansi beaches this summer
With the South African Weather Service (SAWS) predicting extreme heat this summer, its safe...
5 types of greens that are a perfect addition to salads
Adding some greens to the salad can single-handedly make the dish healthier, tastier...
6 unconventional ways introverts show their love for you
Introverts do not always express their love in the same ways as extroverts. If...
Starting a new relationship the right way: 8 key etiquette rules for the talking stage
When getting to know a potential lover, you do not want to mess it up....