5 common myths about asthma you need to stop believing
Speak to an Asthma patient, and they will tell you how helpless they...
7 benefits of coconut oil pulling & how to do it
Coconut oil is famous for its internal and external benefits. This versatile oil...
3 sp*rm-killing foods men should strictly avoid
It is important to understand that our diet plays a crucial role in...
3 ways parents can improve virtual learning for kids
We are living through unprecedented times and it’s almost impossible to find someone...
4 surprising ways alcohol can actually be healthy for you!
We all have heard how bad alcohol is for your body and how...
6 verbal things men want you to do more in bed
There are many things people like their partners to do in bed but...
9 super foods for healthy lungs
The lungs are delicate oxygen factories that are highly sensitive to external factors....
9 awesome things you will only find in South Africa
South Africa is genuinely unique in many ways. It may be a cliché,...
8 surprising facts about pineapple you never knew
Pineapple is an awesome and unique fruit. It’s delicious on its own, but...
Top 10 weirdest food cravings of pregnant women
People have been creating food combination for years, and most of the time,...
7 things to expect when dating a strong woman
A strong woman is all things wonderful. She’s headstrong, trustworthy, confident and absolutely...
4 common mistakes to avoid when applying turmeric on your face
We all how amazingly beneficial turmeric is for our body, hence we all...
Everything you need to know about fat distribution
Accumulation of too much fat in the body can be dangerous for...
5 things that happen to you in a bad relationship
Being in a bad relationship will stress you, leave you drained, have you...
Here’s why you shouldn’t wash your v*gina
Now you may had heard that it is not advisable to wash the...
9 tips to help you quit smoking
If you’ve finally reached a point in your life where you are ready...
5 body language signs that indicate psychological distress
Psychological distress is a state of the emotional suffering of a human being...
7 most common marriage issues in the first 3 years
Marriage is a roller coaster ride. During the first two years of marriage,...
These 6 hair mistakes can cause acne on your face
Maybe it hasn’t occurred to you yet but the hairstyle and hair products...
Here’s why playtime is important in a child’s early years
Play is the most vital component in the early developmental phase of a...
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to keep her children in South Africa
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to her estranged husband Jakob Schlichtig. The marriage ended after...