7 ways to build a stronger relationship with your partner
No successful relationship was built overnight, it takes a lot of work to...
10 braids hairstyles for South Africa women to try in 2021
Braids can be a simple and indulgent method to show yourself this year!...
4 mistakes that lead to boredom in a relationship
A number of people get really bored and fed up with their relationships...
4 common relationship advice you should totally ignore
Wherever you decide to take your relationship advice from; be it from the...
Check out the 5 richest pastors in South Africa
When we talk about the richest men in South Africa, what comes into our...
6 foods that fight wrinkles and premature aging
A radiant and beautiful skin is dependent on an abundant supply of essential...
5 simple tricks to make your man miss you more
Sure you want to be with him 24/7 and want to spend as...
5 things that happen when you date a ‘hard guy’
Getting involved with someone, especially with the intent of going all the way...
How to manage the weight loss pressure
Eating healthy and exercising is one of the core secrets to long life....
7 secrets about men that most women aren’t aware of
In your pursuit of love and romance, you tend to be somewhat selfish....
9 healthy habits you should adopt this year
Last year was one of the toughest years we’ve had to endure. From...
8 things you do on social media that turn men off
Potential partners are always going to check your pages and if a man...
Don’t do these 3 things if your partner’s love language is words of affirmation
According to Gary Chapman in his popular 1995 book. The Five Love Languages:...
Top 10 online clothing stores in South Africa
Going to mall and rummaging through a stack of clothes for an outfit...
5 ways to motivate yourself to workout every morning
Every day presents itself a chance to start a new thing. However, not...
4 signs of a weak man in a relationship
A truly weak man is someone that you carry through life. Rather than...
8 reasons women cheat instead of breaking up with their partners
Whenever you get cheated on, it can be absolutely devastating. Betrayal in itself...
5 signs he’s using you as an ego boost
You feel that you are the luckiest girl on the planet because the...
Do waist trainers really work for belly fat? Here are 7 things you need to know
Waist training is the process of reducing your natural waist size and accentuating...
6 fruits that can help fight bloating
Bloating is a common body malfunction that occurs for a number of reasons...
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to keep her children in South Africa
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to her estranged husband Jakob Schlichtig. The marriage ended after...