All posts tagged "High Court"
Public Protector interdict application rejected by WC High Court
The Public Protector has got another issue with the courts. This time, it...
Man who beat girlfriend to death has been sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment
On Monday, a man was sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment in the Mpumalanga...
Kidnapping mastermind pleads guilty of kidnapping Vanderbijlpark girl
As the mastermind of the abduction, Human mentioned what she intended to do...
Mosque banned from ‘too loud’ prayer calls
Following a complaint tendered from a neighbour, a court has instructed a local...
Fita hopes cigarette ban be reinstated after government engagement
The Fair Trade Independent Tobacco Association hopes to secure a place in the...
Fita’s tobacco court case with government resolved
The Fair Trade Independent Tobacco Association (Fita) disclosed on Wednesday that it has...
Seizure of Bosasa asset tagged “unlawful”
Recently, the High Court in Johannesburg took hold of Bosasa assets, but the...
Sarah Langa walks her first international runway (Photos)
Sarah Langa celebrates a major milestone in her career. The South African beauty influencer had...