Here’s why you should ditch toilet paper for good
Toilet paper seems like the ultimate bathroom hygiene essential. But, in fact, in many Asian countries,...
5 homemade cleansers you should try
Two years of working from home has created a new trend of following...
9 everyday foods that are loaded with chemicals
Thanks to the Food Safety and Standards Authority in 2021, we learnt a...
What do most women want from men in a relationship?
Pleasing a woman is not just about buying her gifts, giving her money,...
6 mistakes that can hurt your b*east health
Good breast health is very necessary for a woman to avoid the risks...
7 things that make men feel insecure in a relationship
It’s not uncommon for partners to feel insecure in a relationship. However,...
The dilemma of making New Year’s resolutions
Every culture counts days, weeks, months, and years in their own special way...
Why you shouldn’t discuss your previous relationships with your partner
My ex never did this. My ex used to do it this way....
3 easy ways to give your house a luxurious feel
A house that boasts luxury is everybody’s dream. However, not many except the...
4 magical benefits of green tea for your face
While wellness trends come and go, green tea has been a classic as...
Here are 5 diets you shouldn’t try in 2022
New Year is almost here and most of us are ready with our...
5 old-fashioned flirting tips that still work
Flirting has changed with time, especially after online dating came into precedence during...
5 reasons why you’re being bullied at work
Employees are often bullied by their co-workers, bosses, the management and even HR,...
7 things you should know about your partner before marriage
Many persons have dabbled into the commitment of marriage to their romantic partner...
9 pre-wedding skin care tips every bride should know
When it comes to wedding there are a lot of things that comes...
7 beauty hacks that are horrible for your skin
We all look into our kitchens for the best home remedies, because we...
The ill-effects of shaming your kids
It is often said that children’s minds are like wet cement, anything that...
5 places on earth where force of gravity doesn’t work
As we all know the force of gravity is responsible for the pulling...
What it really means to have a supportive partner
When you fantasize about being in a relationship as a single woman, chances...
3 medical conditions that can be managed by drinking coconut milk
Coconut milk is a white, creamy liquid derived from mature coconut flesh. It...
These 8 countries are so small, you can tour them in 24 hours!
Have you ever imagined exploring an entire country in just one day? While most nations...