5 amazing benefits of beard oil & how to use it
Beauticians have glorified beard oil as one of the most essential products any...
7 mistakes to avoid while running on a treadmill
Using a treadmill seems simple enough, but you can still develop bad habits that sabotage...
7 relationship ‘tests’ your partner will pass if it’s meant to be
There won’t be any violin playing in the background to let you know...
7 things every woman should know about herself before looking for love
It’s pretty easy to lose yourself in relationships, even good ones with a...
8 benefits of almond oil for baby massage
Baby oil is an essential modern wellness product for babies. Today, countless brands,...
6 special ways to celebrate your dad on Father’s Day
Annually, on Fathers Day people get their dad gifts to show gratitude for...
6 impressive health benefits of stevia
Stevia is a sugar substitute made from the leaves of the stevia plant...
8 natural ways to look beautiful without makeup
Makeup is fun. But it shouldn’t be mandatory. Your daily makeup routine should...
5 reasons why your ex keeps texting after a breakup
Just when you’re moving on in your life and feeling hopeful about your...
Check out the best & yummiest oxtail recipe in South Africa
Have you ever had oxtails? Most people I know haven’t. As with most...
How to handle relationship conflicts without losing your partner
It is often said that two people cannot coexist without occasional differences, arguments...
6 ways to maintain good menstrual hygiene
Menstruation is a natural process in a woman’s life. However, as natural as...
5 most common health issues women face in their 40s
There is an adage that says, “life begins at forty”. However, this is...
5 things you can do to achieve a silky smooth underarm
Let me put it in a simple way, what do you do for...
6 things no one tells you about cheating on your partner
Cheating on your partner may seem like something that delivers immediate satisfaction and...
5 surprising health benefits of groundnut water
Groundnut are legumes that are rich in nutrients and can be used for...
5 clever ways couples can save money
Finances are a vital part of a couple’s married life. Not only is...
How to make carrot oil at home
Carrot contains an anti-aging nutrient with antioxidant capabilities, beta-carotene, to slow down the...
7 ways citrus can benefit your skin
Some of the beneficial foods you eat can be used in your beauty...
6 tips to improve your concentration at work
Concentration is the act of focusing one’s attention. When you concentrate, you focus...
Starting a new relationship the right way: 8 key etiquette rules for the talking stage
When getting to know a potential lover, you do not want to mess it up....