4 tips on how to plan the perfect winter wedding
While most bridal couples prefer to have their weddings during spring and summer,...
5 healthy ways to cook eggs at home
Eggs are a relatively cheap and readily available source of protein. It is...
5 common sexual insecurities of men
When it comes to insecurities, it’s not just women who feel the heat...
7 herbs that reduce stress and anxiety
Life can sometimes feel like a rollercoaster ride, with twists and turns. However,...
5 tips and hacks for that perfect winter road trip
Even though your highway journey is free from the typical troubles, you might...
How to take care of your nails if you don’t have time for a manicure
If you don’t have time for a professional manicure, you can still take care...
Menstruating for the second time in a month? Here’s what can be the reason!
Let’s admit it – no matter how much you hate your periods, even...
5 foods that can keep you warm in winter
What do you do to keep yourself warm in winter? Wear multiple layers...
4 places to go paintballing in Cape Town
Paintballing is a fun activity for groups, it could be church workers units,...
7 things to keep in mind while admitting your lies to your partner
Being in a healthy relationship is one of the few things that helps...
How to make the perfect banana bread
Banana bread is the epitome of cheap and cheerful baking. It may be...
5 factors to consider before dyeing your hair
At some point, every black woman has toyed around with the idea of...
S*x is now a sport in Sweden, all you need to know about the competition
Sweden is the first country to officially recognize sex as a sport. Sex...
4 budget-busting travel hacks for a memorable getaway
Travelling can be a life-changing adventure. Taking in the sights, sounds, tastes, and...
7 body parts you must clean every day to avoid body odour
The major reason why we bathe every day is to prevent body odour,...
How to beat the fear of flying
For some travelers, flying is a frightening affair. Even though it’s a fact...
5 ways to quickly get rid of hickeys after intense s*x
Nights of intense passion and sex can really give you the tingly and...
5 easy and delicious ways to reuse leftover butter chicken
Are you someone who absolutely loves the creamy and luscious butter chicken gravy?...
Parents, keep these 7 things in mind while naming your child!
There is probably nothing more anxiety-inducing than trying to choose the perfect name...
These viral tips will save your precious time in kitchen
Do you often feel drained and exhausted after a long day of work...
Top 5 diseases that are silent killer for women
Woman’s health is often a neglected topic. Although the role of a woman in the...