Josephine Myrtle Corbin: 4 shocking facts about the four-legged woman
The birth of Josephine Myrtle Corbin took the world by surprise when she...
5 nuts that are a must for healthy and glowing skin
They are nutty, crunchy and equally good for health; nuts are your best...
6 weird things women do that men love for no reason
A lot of the weird things that people do are completely and totally...
8 surprising foods that increase blood pressure
If you deal with high blood pressure, or hypertension, then you probably already...
3 calm ways to deal with jealous friends
Jealousy can spell the end of even the strongest of friendships and if...
8 great teas to replace your morning coffee
Even if you enjoy the taste of coffee, if you’re downing a cup...
6 things no one tells you about being in a long-distance relationship
Boy meets girl. They go crazy over each other, knowing one of them...
6 reasons why you shouldn’t sleep with makeup on
So you just got back from a party, and you are exhausted from...
Weight loss: Here’s why you should add mustard to your diet
When trying to lose weight, you should cut down on your calorie intake....
6 reasons why single dads make the best lovers!
If you’re looking for love and not including single dads in your list,...
Here’s why Alpha Arbutin is essential in skin care products
What makes the difference between good skin and bad skin is the right...
9 surprising health benefits of bell pepper
Bell pepper is sweeter than its spicier brethren, which might be the reason...
7 telltale signs you’re settling for less in a relationship
You’re always in a relationship, so you can’t really complain about being single,...
Here’s why you should avoid using coconut oil on your face
Coconut oil has antibacterial, antifungal, and moisturizing properties and therefore many women swear...
How to reconnect when you feel disconnected from your spouse
It’s typical for a marriage/relationship to go through seasons where one or both...
Running for weight loss? Here’s what you should know
Indulging in cardio workouts is always beneficial for weight loss. It revs up...
5 reasons why you should stop taking soda
We all know that drinking soda isn’t good for us. We know that...
5 eating habits that might lead to stomach bloating
Bloating can be a real problem if it occurs on a regular basis....
8 potential reasons why men cheat in relationships
Men and women may cheat for very different reasons. Nonetheless, as of right...
Melanesians: Meet the world’s only natural black blondes
For several years, blond hair was attributed to Caucasians but the Melanesians of...
Starting a new relationship the right way: 8 key etiquette rules for the talking stage
When getting to know a potential lover, you do not want to mess it up....