4 hair care tips to keep in mind before going to bed
Our hair is extremely sensitive and neglecting it can lead to various issues....
How does marriage counseling help couples?
When all that love fizzles out and you become unsure of the relationship...
7 incredible health benefits of eating fish daily
One of the health benefits of eating fish is to stay fit and...
The dark side of social media: How unrealistic beauty standards are causing identity issues
These days, social media is doing more harm than good with young men...
5 things that should never be inserted into the v*gina
A woman’s v*gina is not just some random hole that anything goes into....
All you need too know about lupus, the deadly autoimmune disorder
Lupus is a systemic autoimmune disease that occurs when your body’s immune system attacks your own tissues and...
8 lame breakup excuses no one should ever use
Sure, we get it — breaking up is hard to do. But is...
7 uses of lemon you never knew about
Contrary to popular belief, lemons aren’t just for cooking. They can be used...
9 beautiful places to experience snowfall in South Africa
It’s unpredictable, but snow does fall in South Africa’s winter months and in...
Oversleeping can increase risk of stroke – Study
It is recommended to have at least six eight hours of sleep for...
8 subtle ways men flirt that women often miss
Sometimes it’s obvious when someone is flirting with you, such as when there’s...
5 effective home remedies to get rid of dark neck
Generally, we do a hell lot of remedies like facials, scrubbing, and massage...
10 warning signs your child has anger issues
Children have to deal with a lot when they’re growing up. Every child...
5 reasons why celebrity fashion brands do not last
A number of actresses have fashion brands but save for one or two...
Can drinking milk daily help you lose weight? Find out here!
If you are on a quest to lose weight, you are bound to...
4 protein-rich breakfast to lose weight
When it comes to weight loss, the importance of eating protein-rich foods is...
Why a lack of romance doesn’t mean your relationship is over
When you first got together, your partner would bring you flowers, surprise you...
4 oral hygiene tools everyone should have
Oral hygiene is important for keeping oral infections, bacterias and cavities away. Using...
5 important things to tell your make-up artist before your wedding
As a bride, one of the key things to consider on your wedding...
Can walking after a meal help in faster digestion?
Going for a quick walk after meals has been a ritual in many...
5 most powerful Kings in South Africa and their titles
South Africa is home to several powerful monarchs who continue to play influential roles in...