6 surprising traits men who cheat have in common
Certain signs of infidelity are clear: lipstick on the collar, smell of perfume and Sunday-night...
9 unique South African street foods you should try
There are many things South Africans do right, and near the top of...
4 warning signs of diabetes in children
The number of children affected by diabetes is on the rise throughout the...
6 affordable wedding venues in Cape Town
Marriage ceremony comes once in a lifetime, and that is why it is...
3 sleeping positions that relieve lower back pain
Most low back pain can be a result of conditions affecting the bony...
7 foods that will help you get rid of cellulite
80% to 90% of women may get cellulite at some point in their lives. And although there are...
What is water intoxication and what are its side effects?
Also known as overhydration of water, it is a condition caused by drinking...
7 underrated qualities to look for in a spouse
With the internet, social media, various websites, and several people around us, we...
9 bad food combinations that make you sick
Do you ever feel tired and bloated after eating? Or tend to fall...
How knowing your body type helps you exercise better
Knowing your body type helps you to know the right exercise for you....
5 signs to know if your child needs therapy
There are several phases in a child’s life which you as a parent...
8 small acts of love that make you an extraordinary partner
In relationships, big, elaborate details don’t define a person’s love for their partner....
5 reasons why you should start using a rowing machine
It won’t be incorrect to say that a rowing machine is the most...
8 kitchen remedies to get rid of dandruff
Dandruff is a problem that most of us have encountered once in our...
How to deal with ‘silent treatment’ in a relationship
Silent treatment occurs in a relationship when one person ignores the other person,...
These 5 people should be extremely cautious while having turmeric
Turmeric is a popular spice, which is widely used in cuisine to give...
6 astonishing health benefits of bamboo leaf tea
Bamboo leaf tea is one of the trendiest teas on the block. This...
5 effortless natural hair styles you can rock!
Whether you’ve lived your whole life embracing your natural hair or you are...
6 ways to make friends as an introvert
When you’re an introvert by nature, trying to make new friends can feel...
All you need to know about milk bath for skin
Milk baths are getting a lot of attention, but did you know that...
Starting a new relationship the right way: 8 key etiquette rules for the talking stage
When getting to know a potential lover, you do not want to mess it up....